Data Dome- 10 Common Misconceptions About AssessmentsMany times, people’s preconceived notions about what assessments are makes them hesitant to use these extremely valuable tools. We’d like to myth-bust some common misconceptions about assessments in this post from our partner, TTI Success Insights, that Lisa Bouchard contributed to. Here’s an except and a link to the full article:

“The word assessment can be a very misunderstood term. The word itself generates a wide array of responses, that can range across the board. While this noun is defined as “the evaluation or estimation of the nature, quality, or ability of someone or something,” not everyone is clear on the value that assessments provide for an individual, a team and a company. Below we look at some common misconceptions about assessments and set the story straight on why assessments are such a valuable tool for companies trying to assemble the best possible teams.”

10 Common Misconceptions about Assessments