Emotional Intelligence (EQ)

In the ground-breaking book, Emotional Intelligence, Dan Goleman theorized that 90% of the difference between star performers and average performers in the workplace was related to EQ. Time and research continue to demonstrate the key role emotions play in conflict resolution, collaboration, innovation, leadership, and other key successful cultural attributes in companies. EQ might be the most important skill any professional can develop in our current workplace.

Our EQ program includes a world-class personal assessment to give participants self-awareness and a methodology with proven exercises to increase their EQ and performance.

Data Dome Emotional Intelligence

“We are not just smart by our training and expertise, but by how well we handle ourselves and each other.”

– Daniel Goleman, Working with Emotional Intelligence, 1995

The Benefits of Understanding Emotional Intelligence

  • Create partnerships for higher levels of collaboration and productivity
  • Manage disruptive emotions and more logical decision-making
  • Control emotional behaviors for increased Leadership effectiveness
  • Integrate empathy and social skills for better relationships and results
  • Create an engaging, inclusive, and collaborative work environment
  • Take your reputation and level of influence to the next level

Data Dome has been a consistent partner to us in providing training, being a resources and supplying materials and ideas at just the right time. We have adopted DISC, EQ and Productive Conflict into our Fundamentals Class for all employees. This material has helped us define our culture as one characterized by self-awareness, having a growth mindset and a willingness to work together. We use the material for hiring, development and sales.

Patti Wilson

The Bank of San Antonio, EVP Human Resources

Emotional Intelligence Defined

The ability to recognize, understand, and manage our own emotions and recognize, understand and influence the emotions of others. It’s not about being emotion-free, it’s about how to process disruptive emotions and get back to “normal.” The program looks into each of the 5 factors of Emotional Intelligence:



Social Awareness

Social Regulation


Mastering how to manage disruptive emotions

Increase Your Organization’s EQ