We are all going through unprecedented times these days – change, uncertainty, confusion and fear are dominating our world. While people are dealing with these stressors in their own ways, keep in mind that it truly is the little things you do as a leader or team member that can make the biggest difference. Following are six simple suggestions to let people know you care, to help them laugh and to encourage them to share:

6 Simple but Effective Ways:

1. Be Interested

The greatest gift you can give your team is your ear. Not suggesting you do a Vincent van Gogh here…just that you ask personal questions, listen fully, and respond with care. Maybe set up a call that is specifically about how they are doing and not at all about work. Here are some simple questions you might ask: How are you doing with all that is going on (mentally, physically, financially)?  How are your spouse and kids handling everything?  How about your parents? What has been the most difficult aspect for you to deal with? Have you developed any new habits that you want to maintain when things get back to normal?  What insights have you had about yourself and the situation?  Nothing means more than your caring presence and focused attention.

2. Handwritten Cards

It’s easy these days to just send a quick email, e-card or text to connect with and acknowledge others. But taking the time to send a handwritten card can go even further because people rarely get them, especially from their boss. You can express that you know this has been a difficult time. You can let them know the specific (this is key) things you appreciate about them. You can shine a ray of hope about something in the future. You can add something heartfelt or your own unique sense of humor (work appropriate and Covid-sensitive, of course). There is a great service called Handwrytten (www.handwrytten.com) that will write and send the cards for you, in your own words and handwriting style. Very helpful if you have a really large team and want to send everyone a card. The impact of a handwritten card will last much longer than an email. I still have cards my boss wrote to me from years ago!

3. Coffee, Lunch or Happy Hour Call

Everyone appreciates time to relax and connect with co-workers. We are most likely seeing everyone via ZOOM meetings, but many of us are missing watercooler chat, lunchtime together, or a drink after work to unwind with our team. Why not schedule some virtual social time for the team? Send an invite to everyone but make sure they there is no pressure to attend (we don’t need more of that right now!). You could start the day with a morning coffee call to check in and see how everyone is doing. Maybe even send the team a bag of your favorite coffee, a fun mug, or a coffee gift card. You could get everyone together at lunchtime, maybe suggest that everyone gets out for a walk with their earbuds and chat about how your day is going while getting some exercise “together.” Maybe the team would like a virtual happy hour where everyone gets to share their funniest lockdown stories about family, friends, and pets. No matter which you choose, it is vital to take time out to relax, connect, laugh, and share.

4. Share What you are Binging

Everyone seems to be “binging” something during these unprecedented times and for different reasons.  We have a lot more time on our hands and are looking for something to escape the endless news and negative feelings. Maybe you just want to laugh out loud, watch some action/romance/nature shows, revisit the classics, learn something new, or live in someone else’s reality! You could start a document where everyone adds the movies, books, series, podcasts, music, and new habits they are binging and share it with the team. I personally love recommendations and hate clicking through 100s of channels to find something only halfway decent to listen to or watch. You could also have team members rate and comment on the list. What a fun resource and connection for the team this can be!

5. Funny or Uplifting Videos

A couple of nights ago I was watching the riots taking place in our country and realized it was making me feel really down and not in control (especially of my mental state). Somehow a video of a 96-year-old woman and then a 7-year-old girl with her dad (singing Shallow together) showed up in my feed. Both were belting out the most amazing songs and I just couldn’t stop watching.  I instantly felt better with more energy and a clearer perspective. If you find something that you feel would raise the spirit of your team then share it – we all need to smile and be lifted up!  Share videos of Coronavirus comedy (there are lots out there – make sure it is appropriate and sensitive to the person’s pandemic experience), your favorite stand-up comedian, people that are heroes during these challenging times, and (my personal favorite) music videos and especially with voices that go way beyond their age!

6. Virtual Clubs

I don’t know about you but I have thoroughly enjoyed the extra time in my day to meditate, read, exercise, and cook new recipes. How about starting some virtual clubs for team members with like interests? Groups can meet to share their ideas, apps, best practices, failures, and successes. While it isn’t a replacement, it is helpful if you are missing your meditation group, book club, cross-fit, or eating out at your favorite restaurant with friends. We gain fulfillment by sharing our hobbies and interests with other like-minded people.

What can you do today, this week, or in the coming months of this pandemic to let your team know you truly care? How can you raise their spirit, make them laugh, and connect more?