
About Lisa Bouchard

Lisa’s career spans 35 years as a sales professional, executive, and entrepreneur. She has been a trusted business advisor to leaders and business owners in hundreds of companies – from Fortune 500s to franchises to startups. She helps organizations prosper by giving them the knowledge and tools to powerfully engage, manage, and motivate their workforce. She brings a focus on application and results that can be uncommon in the consulting and training arena.
12 06, 2024

Transform Triggers Into Emotional Intelligence Breakthroughs

By |2024-06-13T16:09:30-04:00June 12, 2024|Communication, Team Effectiveness|

emotional intelligence in the workplace

In our last post, we delved into the importance of self-awareness as the foundation for increasing emotional intelligence (EQ). In today’s blog, we’ll explore how understanding your triggers and beliefs can further enhance your emotional intelligence in the

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21 06, 2023

Becoming an Emotionally Intelligent Leader Begins By Focusing on You

By |2023-07-10T16:11:32-04:00June 21, 2023|Communication, Team Effectiveness|

Coworker discussionLong gone are the days of ruthless leadership and authoritarian control. Successful organizations today understand the importance of a people-centered approach to leadership; one that treats employees with empathy, effectively communicates with and listens to them, and engages them in a shared vision in order

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16 05, 2023

Why Is Emotional Intelligence Important Now More Than Ever

By |2024-04-02T17:59:42-04:00May 16, 2023|Communication, Team Effectiveness|

Coworkers speaking to each other.It’s no secret that stress levels have spiked exponentially in recent years. The COVID pandemic brought with it unique challenges, including health and financial worries, remote work demands, schooling and childcare issues, mental health struggles, and job insecurities, just to name a

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26 01, 2023

3 Common Mistakes Made During Conflict Conversations

By |2023-04-18T13:28:35-04:00January 26, 2023|DISC|

When you’re in the middle of a conflict, it’s easy to react emotionally and make detrimental mistakes. This is why it’s important to pause and be intentional with a productive approach instead.

Let’s take a look at some big mistakes that happen often during conflict conversations through

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16 09, 2022

How to Identify DISC Styles and Adapt Your Communication

By |2024-03-06T01:05:16-05:00September 16, 2022|DISC|

In a more perfect world, everyone’s behavioral DISC styles would be readily known and we would all be skilled at adapting our styles to enhance communication and interpersonal relationships. But alas, far too often we find ourselves in situations in which we must interact with others whose behavioral styles not known. It’s not

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18 08, 2022

6 Critical Elements to Look for in a DISC Certification Program

By |2024-04-02T17:21:22-04:00August 18, 2022|DISC|

Many people who deliver DISC training ask me, “Why do I need to be certified to deliver DISC?” The truth is, while being certified isn’t a requirement for delivering DISC training, there are some very compelling reasons why you should be certified! The difference between a facilitator who is DISC Certified and one

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